Mountain Adventure 2004 was hosted by Jim and Sharon R.  The packer was from the Golden Trout Pack Station.           Return to Mountain adventurer index page

We drove to Click Trail head and hiked down into the Golden Trout Wilderness.  It was a 6 mile hike and the packer arrived 2 hours later. 

The camp site was by the Little Kern River where 3 trails met.  We camped 100 feet from the River, which was quite low. 

 There were only small ( 4 inches) fish in the River.  We spent the remainder of the afternoon setting up camp and just being lazy. 

 That night the temperature got down to 28 F and some of the campers were cold. 

The next day we made a loop hike to Burnt Corral  and Gray Meadows.  Saturday we got lost leaving camp and did a loop CW instead of CCW. 

  The hike was a warm one and we were glad to get back to camp and a small swimming hole.

  The hike out on Sunday was rough as the last 2.5 miles were very steep.  After dinner in Springville, we drove home through heavy traffic

 from the last grade on I5 to Magic mountain, which was the result of a wildfire.


Stories from the hike.

    Early Thursday morning, when the temperature was in the mid 50s,  we were waiting for the packer to load up the mules

and Stephanie was complaining about her cold legs ( she was not wearing long pants) and Jim P asked her if she had any

 long pants to put on.   She replied, got pants, and this was a rallying cry for the rest of the trip. 

    Saturday night, Sharon R had her zip on pants gnawed through and the little varmints destroyed the zippers on both

legs of the zip ons.   Guess she has to answer, no to got pants..