Here is the Official invitation


Hello So Pas High School ' 57 Classmates

Your reunion committee has been working to make the 50th reunion a fond memory and a truly enjoyable experience. Thanks to all of you who have contributed to the memory book, helped find lost class­mates, made great suggestions, and donated to help offset expenses. We hope to give you the best reunion in recent years at a fraction of the cost of other reunions.

We have planned four separate activities: an informal get-together at the Pasadena Mariott Courtyard Suites on Friday night, a tour of the So Pas High School with an organ recital on Saturday morning, the main event dinner (with DJ and dancing) at the Brookside Golf Club on Saturday night, and a Sunday morning brunch at Diane Lindsey Walsh's sister's home in South Pasadena.

One price pays for all events-$75 for each classmate, and just $60 for spouse or guest. We really need you to complete the enclosed RSVP and send in your checks now. Checks should be made payable to "Dave Hodgkinson, Class of '57."

If you have any questions about the reunion, please refer to our earlier letter sent to each of you in January or access the So Pas Website at:

Reunion Committee

Rod Daley (949) 494-6208



Schedule of Events

Friday, September 14,6-8 PM Courtyard by Marriott

180 North Fair Oaks Ave., Pasadena, CA (Casual Dress - no host cocktails - dinner on your own)

Saturday, September 15, 9-11 AM Tour of the So Pas High Conducted by the current principal Organ Recital at approximately lOAM

Saturday, September 15, 6 PM (class photo at 6:30 PM) Reception and dinner at Brookside Golf Club

1133 Rosemont Ave. Pasadena, CA

(Business Casual dress)

No host cocktails, but beer & wine will be served

Sunday, September 16, 10 AM-Noon Brunch

1215 Garfield Ave., South Pasadena

(This is the second house south of Monterey Road) (casual dress)