The address, phone number, email, and pictures from the SPHS yearbook and 40th reunion are sorted by the last name at graduation.
I f there are any updates or errors please email me at
You need to login with a user name and password to access classmate data. If you don't have the user name and password email and if you are a classmate I will send it to you.
Click on the names to see the biographies from the 50th reunion.
The pictures from the 40th reunion are linked to each persons entry who attended. Click on the
40threunion link on the next page to see the photo and then use your browser back arrow to return to the classmates page.
The following classmates have passed away. We miss them. Return to main page
Maral Adams
Anita Allen
Bob Ahr
Phil Batson
Arlene Billings Aguilar
Phil Blanche
Jon Bowew
Pat Breckenridge
John Campbell
Cay Coe Lutz
Robert Cole
Charles Costes
John Culbertson
Tom Cutting
Michael Dalo
Carolyn Dawson Grow
Ronald R Derby
Dan Dohlen
John Donohue
Myra DUNHAM Hansen
Iris Hale Davis
James Robert Estey
George Gavras
Jerry Goodman
Pat Harmon Runnuls
Tom Hill
Dave Houston
Margie Iwasaki
Ron Keck
Ronald R Kenney
Norman Kilgore
Peggy Klass Ellis
Diane Lindsey Walsh
Linda Logan Vignone
Dave Lund
David McCracken
Joe McLaughlin
Fay Nahigian Hahn
Jim Newsom
Cale Newcomer
Gwen Olson Byrd
Lollie Osgood Kendrick
W. L.(Bill) Peters
George Peinado
Marion Phillips Butler
Susan Richardson Bergern
Don Rogers
Janice Roodhouse Lipman
David Sauer
Elizabeth SHYLOCK Williams
Sandra Sargent Holcombe
Ted Schmitt
Eric Smith
Janice Thompson
Harold Weible
John Wing
Ray Walker
Thomas Whitney
Wendy Whitford McLaughliln
Sharon Williamson Wilson
Warren Wiltrout
Judy Wood Luning
Barbara Woodruff Owens
Bill Yerkes
Katina Zaharias Todd