2017 Misadventurers Bonnie Springs Ranch, Las Vegas
The 2017 Misadventurers was held at the Bonnie Springs Ranch ( https://bonniesprings.com/ ) 20 miles southwest of Las Vegas, NV on May 12, 13, 14, 15 (Friday thru Monday). The announcement party was well attended on a rainy Friday evening in mid February. The pictures of the party are here. Missy provided pictures here.
The weather for the weekend was perfect. Temperatures during the day in the low 80s and high 50s at night were perfect. The pool water temperature was cool, but many enjoyed a refreshing swim. Hiking in Red Rock canyon was well attended with the pictures here. An excursion to downtown Las Vegas, the Main Street Station buffet, and the Fremont light show was attended by 17 misadventurers with the pictures here. Finally on the last night the ever popular white elephant event was held and enjoyed by all with the pictures here.
Eating, talking politics, and lounging around were also popular, with the pictures here.
Below is the group photo and a picture of the motel against the cliff behind the motel. The post party was held in June at the Peirce's and after dinner we sang around a campfire. The Pictures are here. A refund check was given out and the happy misadventurers are shown below in a picture.