2016 Solvang

The Misadventurers for 2016 was held at the Meadowlark Inn in Solvang on 19 through 22 May.  The agenda is shown here.        A preparty was held  in Febuary.   Pictures are here.

The group met at the Sheldon's house and was served a great brunch.   The pictures are shown here.     We then proceeded to the Meadowlark Inn in Solvang.    Drinks and dinner were served in the outdoor area in the center of the Inn.  The pictures are shown here.     Afterward the movie, Sideways, was shown. 

On Friday, 8 people went Hiking to the Gaviota Wind Caves.  Pictures are here.  Other activities  were golfing, sight seeing, massages, and Segway riding.

Friday night the white elephant raffle was held.  Everybody had a good time and got a great gift. Pictures are here.

Saturday was a bike ride (Pictures here) to the Grassini Winery and a lunch at a lake. Pictures here.


Saturday night was a barbeque.  Two singers entertained us.  Pictures Here.

Sunday was another hardy breakfast at the motel and the transfer of responsibility to Jim and Sharon for next years misadventurer.  Pictures here

One of our original misadventurers passed away this past spring, Sue Horger.  Here is a tribute to her.

Here are some pictures of the Meadowlark Inn.