The trip from hell was sponsored by the Peirce's.  A cabin in the mountains south of lake Tahoe was just too small for all the people.  Smoking was an issue as most people wanted to quit, but some just couldn't.  They couldn't go outside as it was cold.  It snowed one night 500 feet higher up. It was cold for Memorial day.   We biked at Lake Tahoe, rode horses, and some gambled at Stateline, Nevada.                       Click on picture to see a larger picture.


lt90_dni_sus.jpg (45222 bytes)  Susan and Dani                Here are some new pictures from Claudia June 2012  Click Here

lt90_geo_cl_stf.jpg (60909 bytes) Claudia, George, and Steffanie


lfthmisad.jpg (53942 bytes)    Pat, Jim, Dani, Claudia, Jim

  thlk90_2.jpg (44893 bytes)    Claudia, Dani, Jim, Jim